
Elia Traders LTD is London (UK) based company with strong partners around the globe.  As an equal opportunity employer, Elia Traders LTD is interested in wholesale trade professionals in Europe, Middle east, America and Canada looking for a successful platform from which they can operate and expand their current business/Career. Elia Traders platform provides the financial resources and expertise that has highly rewarded skilled merchants for decades. Elia Traders offers one of the best compensation programs in the business that is completely transparent with no hidden costs. Let us show you what we can do for your career. We encourage you to contact us at [email protected].

All information and discussions will be held confidential.

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Please send us your inquiry or call us during office hours to get in touch with us

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Our office location
90 Long Acre, London, United Kingdom WC2E 9RA
Drop us a mail
[email protected]

Contact us

Please send us your inquiry or call us during office hours to know more how we can help your company grow

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